Facelift surgery remains one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world. The first signs of aging tend to be subtle; gray hair or a new wrinkle that appears when raising the eyebrows. However, the skin visibly sags somewhere in a person’s fifties and sixties. This may create jowling, fat descension, deep wrinkles, and loose skin on the face and neck. A facelift addresses jowling, but does not traditionally treat the neck. Therefore, combined with a neck lift patients can achieve better quality anti-aging surgery results. Dr. Scott Blyer at Cameo Surgery Center provides the best facelift with neck lift Long Island and NYC offers.
Facelift and neck lift surgery both involve skin removal and tightening. The two surgeries use nearly identical incisions except for one under the chin used to tighten the muscle during a neck lift. Otherwise, the incisions are near the ear, either in front of or behind it.
Dr. B can perform a neck lift with any type of facelift. It can pair well with a mini facelift, deep plane facelift, and a traditional facelift. He customizes each surgical plan for the patient. Usually, a facelift with neck lift takes under two hours.
Candidates for a facelift with neck lift surgery generally are in good overall health and do not smoke. Patients tend to range in age from 45 to 65. Though, occasionally, patients outside of this range may qualify. Other traits ideal candidates for this procedure may have include:
At a consultation, Dr. Blyer examines a patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and anatomy to determine if they are a good candidate for a facelift with neck lift on Long Island.
A facelift with neck lift offers patients many possible benefits that they can enjoy for many years. However, like all surgeries, there are inherent risks. Dr. B limits risks whenever possible, but patients need to understand the benefits and risks before undergoing elective cosmetic surgery.
In most cases, the benefits outweigh the risks. The benefits of a facelift with neck lift may include:
Significant complications of facelift and neck lift surgery are rare. Possible risks include:
The first step in getting a facelift with neck lift on Long Island is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Blyer at Cameo Surgery Center. At this appointment, Dr. B will evaluate whether the patient is a good candidate, any increased or specialized risks they may have, and make a surgical plan catered to their anatomy and goals. The appointment begins with a conversation with Dr. B where he will ask about medical history, lifestyle, and preferences. From there, he will physically examine the face and neck. The physical evaluation allows Dr. B to determine skin quality, the amount of extra skin, and what is possible with different procedure options.
Dr. B may discuss many treatments with the patient such as non-surgical procedures like Botox and fillers to the exact type of facelift he recommends. Finally, once Dr. B and the patient solidify a treatment plan, the patient will receive a price quote and financing information.
Facelift and neck lift surgery may utilize general or local anesthesia. Regardless, once adequately sedated and comfortable, Dr. Blyer will make the incisions near the ear in the predetermined position. He may also make a small incision underneath the chin to access the platysma muscle.
Dr. B will more than likely perform a type of SMAS facelift, either traditional SMAS or deep plane facelift. The only major difference between these two techniques is that a traditional SMAS facelift separates the skin and muscle layers and pulls them tightly individually. A deep plane facelift does not separate the skin and muscle and tightens them together. There are advantages and use cases for both techniques.
Dr. Blyer will use the chin incision to perform a platysmaplasty. This procedure sutures the neck muscles back together. Like the abdominal muscles, the two ends of the platysma muscle can loosen and separate from one another. Tightening the platysma muscle allows Dr. B to tighten the neck skin more and improve the overall contour.
The first step in getting a facelift with neck lift on Long Island is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Blyer at Cameo Surgery Center. At this appointment, Dr. B will evaluate whether the patient is a good candidate, any increased or specialized risks they may have, and make a surgical plan catered to their anatomy and goals. The appointment begins with a conversation with Dr. B where he will ask about medical history, lifestyle, and preferences. From there, he will physically examine the face and neck. The physical evaluation allows Dr. B to determine skin quality, the amount of extra skin, and what is possible with different procedure options.
Dr. B may discuss many treatments with the patient such as non-surgical procedures like Botox and fillers to the exact type of facelift he recommends. Finally, once Dr. B and the patient solidify a treatment plan, the patient will receive a price quote and financing information.
No, it is possible to perform a facelift as a standalone procedure. However, over half of all facelifts and neck lifts performed in the United States are performed together because it makes sense to get them done at the same time!
On average, a combined facelift and neck lift helps patients look ten years younger. Depending on the patient’s skin quality, starting anatomy, and dedication to their skin routine after surgery, it is possible to see results that look 12, 15, or even 20 years younger in some scenarios.
Yes, many patients will undergo multiple anti-aging facial procedures at once. For example, a brow lift, eyelid surgery, a lip lift, and sometimes even a nose surgery. Whether or not a patient qualifies for all of their desired procedures and having them performed at once, can be decided at the consultation.
Yes, combining a facelift and neck lift is exceptionally common. In fact, more facelifts are performed with neck lifts than without. They use nearly the same incisions and the results complement each other.
Patients—even when undergoing the procedure with local anesthesia—tend to remain perfectly comfortable during surgery. After surgery, pain is generally mild and should subside some each day after surgery. Most patients discontinue prescription pain medications within two to three days.