Currently, there are two types of breast implants approved by the FDA: saline and silicone. When older silicone implants were taken off the market, saline breast implants became a patient’s only option. Today, silicone breast implants remain the most popular choice for women seeking breast augmentation. However, some patients do still opt for saline implants for several reasons. Dr. Scott Blyer at Cameo Surgery Center performs the best saline breast augmentation Long Island offers.
Saline breast implants came around at roughly the same time as silicone gel implants. They were also among the first implants to be manufactured. Since the mid-to-late 20th century, saline breast implants have stayed on the market. For roughly fifteen years, the FDA removed silicone breast implants from the market for further study. Saline implants then became the standard when breast augmentation surgery began to become more popular and widespread.
While the two primary types of implants have many differences, there are also meaningful similarities. For example, both contain a silicone outer shell, carry similar risks, and aim to achieve the same end goal.
Choosing saline breast implants offers a unique set of pros and cons. Dr. B will review these with the patient at their consultation. However, patients who understand why or why not saline breast implants may work for them often make a more informed decision that they are happier with in the long run
Some of the pros of saline breast implants include:
Some of the cons of saline implants include:
Plastic surgeons place saline implants in basically the same way as silicone ones. The implant is inserted into the breast and into the proper position (either above or below the muscle). Dr. B then will fill the implants with saline. He may adjust based on the patient’s goals to achieve symmetry.
Because plastic surgeons place saline implants empty, this opens them up to more incision options. This includes the newest method of breast augmentation: the belly button incision. More formally known as transumbilical breast augmentation, this technique involves making a small incision in the belly button. The surgeon then creates a tunnel just beneath the skin and feeds the implants into the breasts.
The procedure usually takes around an hour. Patients are placed under general anesthesia. Since breast augmentation requires little surgical time, Dr. Blyer can also perform other procedures such as breast lift or tummy tuck.
In the right patient, yes, saline breast implants can look completely natural. Generally, saline implants look best in women who have a good amount of breast tissue already. This existing breast tissue helps disguise any possible wrinkling or rippling. Even in patients with only a moderate amount of breast tissue, if the implant is placed under the muscle, this can help make the implant look and feel more natural.
Recovering after the placement of saline implants mirrors that of any other breast augmentation surgery. Dr. B crafts personalized aftercare and recovery instructions based on the procedure. Patients can expect directions such as:
Patients tend to do well after breast augmentation Long Island surgery. Most only take prescribed pain medication for two to three days. Some do not use them at all. Ultimately, every saline breast augmentation recovery is unique though patients do not find it overly painful or difficult.
A saline breast implant rupture will quickly become noticeable. When the rupture occurs, the saline will leak out of the implant. Saline poses no risk to the body. As this happens, the affected breast will begin to deflate visibly.
Patients will then require the removal of the ruptured implant and the placement of a new implant. If desired, patients can change the size, type, shape, or other aspects of their breast implants at this same time.
There are indications for placing implants both above or below the muscle. The majority of breast implants placed today are under the pectoral muscle. However, certain patients may choose to place the implant above the muscle.
Above the muscle placement is usually favored among bodybuilders. It may also provide a very small amount of lift to the breasts. Above the muscle placement does tend to have a higher capsular contracture rate. Additionally, saline implants are much more likely to show rippling or wrinkling in this position.
Under the muscle placement of breast implants does help reduce the risk of capsular contracture. With saline implants, it can help disguise rippling or wrinkling. Most surgeons and patients choose this placement because it offers a more natural breast contour and less risk in most cases.
The cost of saline breast augmentation depends on several factors. Upon consultation with Dr. B at Cameo Surgery Center, patients will receive a personalized price quote based on their needs and specific procedure.